Jude Aidan Lieb
Birthday Express Review + Giveaway
Last Sunday we celebrated Jude’s 3rd birthday with a small gathering of family and friends. Jude spent the afternoon swimming in my parents pool, playing with his cousins and enjoying cake and ice cream. All of his favorite things. He recently discovered the Cars movies and with the recent release of Cars 2 I though…
Jude is 3 Years Old Today!
I’ve been a little absent online lately because as many of you know I had a baby last weekend! We’ve been spending time with family and just trying to relax and get acquainted with little Noah. In addition to baby bonding we have also been celebrating Jude’s 3rd Birthday. My 2 boys will have birthdays…
Let’s Play Dress Up
Lately, I’ve had a lot on my mind (mostly related to getting this baby to leave my body) so what better way to escape reality than with a little make believe. Jude has just discovered Dress Up and he loves it. (I love it too!) He is pretending to be a superhero-doctor-cowboy…. Don’t let the…
A New New Old Bed
It all happened so fast. One day he was a tiny little baby sleeping soundly in his crib and now he’s in a big boy bed. One day he learned to climb out of his crib and everything we knew about getting Jude to sleep was thrown out the window. Bed time and naps became…
Terribly Terrific Twos
The terrible twos. I try not to use that term but sometimes it feels so very true. As the parent of a temperamental two year old it’s easy to let his tantrums ruin my mood or even worse my day. Last week he was on a nap protest and then over the weekend he mastered…
January Spring
The past few days have yielded unseasonably gorgeous weather. You might mistakenly think it’s spring, unless you’re Andrea. Nevertheless, we have been enjoying this brief stint of nice weather to the best of our abilities and that includes many walks to our beloved neighborhood park. Jude knows the route well. In fact, the other day…
The Boy Can Eat
(After eating a purple sweet potato for dinner.) Jude was a pretty big baby at birth but he didn’t maintain that “big baby” status very long. According to the charts at our doctor’s office at 6 months Jude was only in the 20th percentile for his weight. (But according to the WHO standards he’s…

Our Field Trip to Durham
Last Thursday Jude and I took a little field trip with our friends Kim and Jacob to the North Carolina Museum of Life and Science in Durham. We got a little lost on our way there and couldn’t find a gas station anywhere in Durham on our way home but all the hassle was worth…