Jude is 3 Years Old Today!
I love you Jude and Noah!
I love you Jude and Noah!
Jessica is an experienced NC-based travel agent who specializes in family travel. She helps families plan memorable trips to Disney, Universal, All-Inclusive Resorts, Cruises, and International trips. She is responsible for B Honest Media’s editorial direction and growth. She has covered parenting for over 13 years, focusing on product reviews and recommendations, travel, and parenting tips.
Since I started homeschooling Jude I’ve been observing his educational development. As we entered into this homeschool thing I didn’t have much understanding as to where he stood educationally. I didn’t know what he knew or how he learned. After his full psychological evaluation we learned that he has an above average IQ but not…
As all the other 5 year old kids lingered near mom and dad, Jude bounced around the room happily greeting each person. “What’s your name?’ “Here’s your cubby and your pencil.” “My name is Jude.” “Teacher, when are we going to learn?” bounce. bounce. bounce. We’re at meet the teacher and I’m wondering what the…
Today Jude and I made a trip to Cary WakeMed to visit baby Oscar and his parents. Cuddly and Cute Mama and Oscar. skin to skin contact Jude testing out Oscar’s new monkey in the box toy. Jerry in recovery. PinShare
After a little outside pressure we are finally going to have Jude professional assessed. Yes, we took him to an occupational therapist last year who noticed he had several sensory processing issues but we haven’t done any thing beyond that. The primary reason we’ve put it off is finances and ignorance. We honestly didn’t really…
I can’t believe the time has come to celebrate Jude’s first birthday!On Saturday, June 27th he turns 1 year old…. also we’re throwing him a killer party!Obviously it’s going to be Yo Gabba Gabba themed! So to all Jude friends… come party with us! To all Jude’s grandparents and other people that might want to…
Sometimes I forget that he’s still little. Compared to his brothers he’s gigantic. I expect him to be the mature, responsible older brother. But he’s only 5 years old, still a baby. Still my baby. Some days he looks and acts so grown up that I can see traces of the man he will become….