
Simon Edward (9 months)

Simon’s personality is starting to come alive. He’s sweet, curious and completely fascinated by his brothers. He puts up with a lot of “love” from his brothers, especially Noah who likes to make Simon cry for the sole purpose of comforting him. Even though Simon can’t defend himself yet I’m sure it won’t be long….


Bacon Wrapped Okra

When the produce box arrive it contained okra, I’ve only ever had fried okra and that’s not very paleo. So I decided to do what any good paleo would do, wrap it in bacon. The result = awesome. The recipe is so easy it’s ridiculous. Ingredients Okra Bacon Directions Thoroughly wash and dry the okra…

Whole30 Day 5

We are slowing falling back into the groove of eating paleo. My sugar cravings, while still present, have toned down a bit. I’m still breastfeeding so I am pretty ravenous and craving a lot of protein. I try to keep meat or nut snacks available for quick and healthy protein. Breakfast – Half a Grapefruit…

Whole30 Day 4

Grocery shopping happened yesterday so our cupboards and refrigerator are full of paleo-friendly foods. I bought a rotisserie chicken at the grocery store and we ate 3 meals from one chicken. I highly advise buying a rotisserie chicken because it’s quick protein that tastes great. I also bought a whole chicken, already cut up, that…