Fall Projects

Joe and I are a crafting duo. I’m learning alot of useful skills. Joe is teaching me how to knit. I’m currently working on a pair of longies for Jude. They are brown and blue striped. So far I’ve only finished the cuff of one leg but I can tell they are going to be super cute! I’ll post more pictures as I get more done.

Joe is currently knitting a hat for his Halloween costume. Pictures of the final product will be available when I post our costume pics this weekend.
In addition to learning how to knit and I am also learning how to sew. Last Christmas my mom bought me a sewing machine and I used it for the first time yesterday. My mom came over and gave me a brief lesson. The first real project I finished was this cloth wipe for Jude. It’s pretty simple just a double sided flannel square. It’s not perfect but it’s also my first project and I’m proud of it.

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