Affordable Large Scale Artwork


Over the past few years I’ve been searching for large scale artwork to hang over the bed in our room. I had a hard time finding art that I like that didn’t cost hundreds/thousands of dollars. I like to have the option of switching out my artwork as my style/mood changes so spending a lot of money on artwork isn’t something I’m interested in. On occasion I have invested in a few nice piece of artwork but they are typically very meaningful pieces to me and not just decorations. Sometimes you just want something decorative that you won’t feel bad switching out in a few years/months.

So here’s how I got 2 large scale artwork pieces printed and framed from less than $80.

Buy Printable Art

First I searched for printable artwork. There are a lot of artist that sell printable versions of their art at very reasonable price. I think I spent $10 for 2 pieces of art.

Things to look for:

  • 300 dpi, high resolution
  • maximum size of the print (eg. 24 x 36 inches)
  • high quality jpg file

Print Your Artwork

After you purchase your artwork the seller will most likely email you the images or a link to where you can download the images. Download all files immediately so you don’t lose them.

Now you want to print your artwork. Obviously you can print smaller photos at home if you have a color printer but if you want large scale art you will need to outsource the printing.

Places to get your Art printed:

  • Office Supply Stores like Staples or Fedex
  • Online printers like Shutterfly, Vistaprint, MPix
  • Costco
  • Local Printshops

I got my artwork printed at Costco. The largest size they print is 20 x 30 as a lustre finish. For both prints, plus shipping it was about $26 dollars.

Framing Your Artwork

You can pay to have artwork professionally framed but that is very expensive. If you have purchased standard size art prints they should fit in most store bought frames.

Places to Buy Frames

Michael’s or Hobby Lobby

Wayfair or Target



I bought my frames from Ikea. They are the 24 X 35 Ribba Frames and were about $20 each.

So I was able to purchase, print and frame 2 large scale pieces for $76.  I think that’s a pretty good deal.



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