Mother/Son Date Ideas

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It can be hard to find time to spend one-on-one time with your son, especially with everyone’s busy schedules. Being intentional about making time for your kids is important. If you are a mom of multiple kids you know just how priceless it is to get one-on-one time with each kid, but it takes intentionality.

I made a point to take each of my 4 boys on a solo mom/son date. With 4 boys I don’t get to spend a lot of one-on-one time dedicated to just hanging out with each boy, it has to be something intentional.

For our Mother/Son Date, I took each boy out to lunch. They each got to choose the type of food or restaurant but we made sure that each location had the opportunity for us to get milkshakes as dessert. It’s always such a precious time spent with each boy and a priceless opportunity to get to know who they are becoming.

Mother/Son Date Ideas:

At-Home Date Ideas

Watch a Movie – Let your son pick the movie and snack, maybe their favorite movie and snack. Set up a cozy place to watch a movie. Ask them why they picked this movie.

Build a Puzzle – Pick out a puzzle to complete together and set up a spot around a table to work on it together.

Play Video Games – Boys love video games, ask them to teach you about their favorite game. Play a multiplayer game.

Play a Board Game – Put away the screens and play a board game together. Some of our favorites are Clue, Battleship and Exploding Kittens.

Cook Dinner Together – Plan a meal, shop for groceries together, and cook a meal you both will enjoy. Pick up a cookbook for kids to explore new recipes.

Build with LEGO – Buy a new LEGO set and build it together. Or have a LEGO building competition.

Around Town

Go to the Movies – Go to a matinee movie or a late-night showing. Grab some popcorn and your favorite candy too.

Vist a Local Museum – Check out a new museum in your town/city. Or revisit your favorite museum.

Go out for Lunch – Instead of a typical dinner date, go for lunch. If the weather is nice, sit outside. Don’t forget to order dessert!

Go Swimming – In summer you can visit your local pool, lake or beach. In winter find an indoor pool near you.

Go to the Zoo – Take a day trip to your closest zoo. Let your son be your guide, let him pick his favorite animals to visit.

Go to a Sporting Event – Baseball, Basketball, Hockey, Football… find a professional, college or even high school sporting event to attend.

Go see a Play – Visit your local theater, especially if they have family shows. Local high schools and middle schools also have yearly performances.

Visit a Bookstore – Find your neighborhood bookstore and browse the books, take your time to find new books to buy.

Play at the Arcade – Grab your quarters and play some old-school arcade games. (Or a token card at most newer arcades)

Go for a Hike – Head into the woods and let nature provide an open space to breathe.

Ride Go-Carts – Maybe your local mini-golf place has go-carts. Live your Mario Kart dreams and race against your son.

Get Donuts – Visit a donut shop, maybe travel across town to that specialty shop that makes the really weird flavors. Try something new!

Go out to dinner – A classic date night activity. Get dressed up, and go somewhere “fancy”.

Play Mini-Golf – While you’re at the Go-Cart track located by your local mini-golf, play a round of golf.

Go Roller-Skating – Try to not break any bones but be adventurous and go roller-skating.

Visit a New Park – Find a park or playground you’ve never been to, maybe in the next town over.

Breakfast Date – If you both are earlier risers, why not have a breakfast date? Pancakes and Bacon, please!

Pizza Night – Head to the pizzeria, order your favorite pie, or maybe try a new topping.

Coffee Shop – Does your son like coffee? Do you like coffee? No, that’s ok, most coffee shops have more than coffee and are perfect for conversations.

Bowling – Break out your bowling shoes and ball, and go bowling.

Plan a Scavenger Hunt or Go to an Escape Room – Test your problem-solving skills and see if you can win.

Go on a Picnic – Pack your favorite picnic foods, head to a park, and have a picnic together.

Volunteer – Find a local organization where you both want to serve and get involved.

Some of my favorites from this list include going to the arcade, a picnic in the park, playing card games at the coffee shop, and a selfie scavenger hunt.

What are your favorite Mother/Son Date Ideas?

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