Make a Thanksgiving Tree

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I don’t claim to be crafty or artistic but my boys love arts and crafts so I do the best I can. This year we decided to make a Thanksgiving tree.

It needed to be a simple craft that I could do with the boys and very little prep. So on one of our daily walks I asked the boys to collect some cool looking branches and told them we would make a cool project when we got home. Jude found one really cool branch and that was all they deemed necessary for our project. At home I brought out some construction paper, scissors, markers, a hole punch, and string. I had the boys cut out leaf shapes from the colorful paper and then we wrote thing we were thankful for on each leaf. I punched a hole in each leaf and we used the string to tie each leaf to the branches.

Now we have a daily visual reminder of what we are thankful for this Thanksgiving season.

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