Simon Edward: 4 months old

Simon Mimon


Sweet and easy going, that’s my Simon. He loves cuddles and milkies. He’s rarely upset and loves to watch his big brother’s play.


4 months stats
Weight: 18lbs
Clothing size: 6-12mo or 9mo
Diaper size: 3
Eats: Breast milk only, we tried to introduce a bottle but he refuses to take it.
Sleeps: We co-sleep and he typically only wakes once during the night to eat and since I side nurse neither of us really wakes up. He takes 3 naps a day 1 morning, 1 afternoon and 1 early evening.
Likes: mommy and daddy, cuddles, watching his brother’s play, sleeping in the swing
Dislikes: being sat on by Noah, bottles, gas




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