Camp Lieb – Day 4 Ocean Day

Well, our plans were totally thrown out the window when we spent all morning inside hiding from the severe thunderstorms. We had a lot of outdoor activities lined up but the weather wasn’t agreeable. So instead of water tables and pool time we had indoor fun.

While it poured outside we got caught up on a few household chores and then the boys watched Lego Atlantis movie on Netflix.

We didn’t have a morning snack since we were busy cleaning and cuddling during the storms. But for lunch we had shells and cheese and watermelon.

Photo Jul 23, 12 25 45 PM

After lunch Simon took his nap and I read a Bill Nye the Science Guy’s Big Blue Ocean to Jude and Noah.

Photo Jul 23, 2 02 03 PM

The Jude worked on a few ocean themed worksheets.

Photo Jul 23, 1 53 06 PM

We decided to try one of the science experiments on the Bill Nye book that taught us about the salt in the ocean.

Photo Jul 23, 2 16 54 PM

Next we painted some large brown paper lunch bags for a jelly fish project.

Photo Jul 23, 2 27 10 PM

Photo Jul 23, 5 08 18 PM

Then we play a game where the boys had to work together to cross the shark invested waters of the carpeted floor to reach their boat (the couch) using only throw pillows.

Photo Jul 23, 2 44 41 PM

Joe created a fun Feed the Shark game for the boys using a cardboard box. I would assign each boy a different color or number of fish to collect and feed the shark. The possibilities for this game are numerous.

Photo Jul 23, 3 09 30 PM

The rain finally let up and I took the two oldest boys to Target since Joe was working from home. While at Target the boys were on their best behavior so I let them each pick out a clearance toy. Obviously Jude found a Lego set.

Photo Jul 23, 4 33 18 PM

While the boys played with their new toys I baked some zucchini bread. Joe finished up his work and started cooking our dinner, burgers. While Joe cooked dinner the boys and I tried a new experiment called electric eels but had very little success.

Photo Jul 23, 5 28 05 PM

The busyness of the week caught up with the boys and early bedtimes were in order, however they were less than compliant so we spent the rest of the night trying to get everyone to bed.

Camp week has been a lot of fun but all the excitement has meant more meltdowns, tired children and less sleep for everyone.

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