Noah Ahser – Month Five

So I’m a little late with this month’s post. We had family in town and then the holiday craziness. But alas, Noah did turn 5 months old on November 18th.
Weight: 21 lbs
Eats: only breast milk
Clothing Size: 12-18 mo
Skills: Rolling pro, working out his abs trying to sit up, great with his hands, smiles galore
Sleep: Still co-sleeps, Wakes up about twice a night. He’s a big cuddler.
This kid is so happy and giggly. He greets me each morning with a huge smile. He is also super ticklish – it’s awesome!
He’s really into putting everything and anything he can find into his mouth. I haven’t started him on solids yet because I want to wait until he can sit up on his own. Plus once you start solids there’s no going back… he’ll just get bigger too.

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