30 Weeks – Pregnancy Update


30 weeks baby

It feels like I’ve been pregnant forever and yet at the same time this pregnancy has flown by. 10 – 12 more weeks until we meet baby 4. At my last OB appointment he was measuring 31 weeks which really isn’t a surprise since I tend to have big babies. However, I’d prefer to NOT break any records with this birth, so let’s pray for anything under 11lbs.

I’ve just entered the heart burn/indigestion phase of pregnancy and it sucks just as much as I remembered. I’m also still dealing with hip pain. I’m still trying out figure out how to prevent it as it seems too much or too little walking causes me pain. I guess I need to find a healthy balance, which is somewhat unlikely with 3 little boys running around.

I can’t complain too much though, it’s been a pretty uneventful pregnancy thus far, just the way everyone likes it. My only real concern is winter weather come January. It would totally suck to be trapped in a snow storm while in labor. And if this winter is anything like what they are predicting we could be tempting fate. It’s not that I couldn’t birth the baby on my own I’m primarily concerned with my propensity for heavy bleeding after delivery. TMI

I think we have a name picked out for this guy. I’m not ready to share it just yet as we could still change our minds but I’m about 90% sure. Other than possibly having a name selected we haven’t done any other planning for this baby yet. I mean if he comes early we own everything we need and could get stuff together, plus newborns really don’t require too much stuff for the first few weeks.


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