Sweet Potato & Sweet Pepper Ground Beef

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I’ve been struggling with what to call this dish, other than just plain awesome. I adapted this Sweet Beef Scramble recipe from Whole Family Strong but Joe doesn’t like to use the word Scramble because he thinks of eggs. So we’ll just go with Sweet Potato & Sweet Pepper Ground Beef.

sweet potato beef

Sweet Potato & Sweet Pepper Beef

Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes
Servings 4


  • 1 lb Ground Beef
  • 2 Sweet Potatoes peeled and chopped into small pieces
  • 4-6 Sweet Peppers seeds removed and cut into thin strips
  • 1 Onion chopped
  • 1 TBS Cumin
  • 1 TBS Rosemary
  • Salt & Pepper
  • Oil I prefer Olive Oil but you could use coconut oil


  1. In a large pan caramelize your onions. (Put oil in the pan and let the onions cook slowly on a low-medium heat, stirring constantly until they are dark brown. Some people add sugar, I do not.)
  2. Remove onions and cook ground beef, season with cumin, rosemary and salt and pepper.
  3. Remove ground beef, combine with onions.
  4. Saute sweet potatoes and sweet peppers, season with salt and pepper. (You can use the fat from the ground beef to cook the sweet potatoes but you may need to add a bit more oil. You may also need to cover your pan to steam the sweet potatoes so they become soft.)
  5. Mix in the caramelized onions and ground beef, cook for a few additional minutes (2-3 minutes)


sweet potato sweet pepper beef

*I took the pictures used in this post before I perfected the recipe (caramelizing the onions) so you may notice some non-caramelized onions in the picture.

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