On the go with Stokke® Scoot


stokke9I’m a minimalist when it comes to baby gear. I don’t want bulky, heavy baby gear that takes up a ton of space. With 3 kids I don’t have the time or energy to deal with extra stuff. So for the past 5 years we’ve primarily used a simple umbrella stroller. It’s light-weight, easy to use and doesn’t take up a ton of space. When we registered for baby gear, 5+ years ago, it was the best option. Well stroller design has improved vastly in the past several years. Enter the Stokke® Scoot.


The Stokke® Scoot is a compact stroller (not an umbrella stroller) but is just as light-weight, easy to use and compact but has more features. I didn’t realize what I was missing until I got to test-drive the Scoot. It was easy to assemble, easy to open and close, easy to steer and enjoyable for both mom (or dad) and baby.

My favorite feature of the Stokke® Scoot is that it grows with your child. I really love that you can position the seat rear facing for more bonding with your baby.

Some of my favorite features:

stokke scoot stroller features

stokke scoot featuresOther features include:

  • Easy one hand folding
  • Stable footrest , easy step access for toddlers
  • Water repellant canopy
  • Swivelling wheels
  • Durable yet lightweight frame
  • And More..

We recently took the Scoot to our local park for a play date and that’s when I realized how easy it was to manage. Our old umbrella stroller was easy to open and close but a pain to navigate, especially with one hand. The Scoot has amazing handling and is just as easy to steer with only 1 hand.

IMG_0506But most importantly, Simon really enjoyed the ride. He looked happy and comfortable from his stylish new stroller.

The Stokke® Scoot is available in 8 different color options.

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I was provided the featured product free of charge to facilitate my review, but all opinions are 100% mine.

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