Sprinkler Fail = Chalk Fun


It was pretty hot last week so I seized the opportunity to be an awesome mom and let Jude play in the sprinkler during Noah’s nap time.

We set up the hopscotch sprinkler mat in the back yard but there was a big hole in it. So we moved to plan B.

I tried to set up the Fire Hydrant Sprinkler but the ground was too hard and the plastic stake broke. Bummer.

Then the mosquitoes attacked and that was the end of sprinkler time.

Jude was pretty bummed so we moved the fun to the front drive where there were no bugs. I pulled out the chalk and we had a great time drawing pictures for Dada in the driveway.

Afternoon saved!

Playing in the sprinkler and coloring with chalk were on our Summer Bucket List. Guess we’ll have to make a second attempt at playing in the sprinkler.

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