Our Christmas Loot

We did pretty well this Christmas. We managed to keep within a nice budget for all our family, including each other. We made sure to get the best deals possible with some of our items between 50-94% off… and even a few FREE things!

I want to remember everything Jude got so I can tell him what his first Christmas was like. These are the gifts he got from everyone, mom & dad, grandparents, great-grandparents, aunts and uncles. Now he’s pretty much set until his birthday. I like that there are only a few toys on his list and mostly things he really needed. It works out really well that Christmas is almost exactly half-way to his birthday.

Jude’s list:
15 pair of socks
4 Pajamas
2 Hats
Knit Soaker Longies (Knit by mom and dad!)
1 Pair Slippers
1 Pair Shoes
9 Outfits
4 bibs
Plate and Bowl set
Sippy cup
Muno Guitar
Foofa Doll
Stuffed Snowman
4 Books
Yo Gabba Gabba DVD
The Very Hungry Caterpillar Ornament
They Might Be Giants Here Come the 1,2,3’s CD
They Might Be Giants Here Come the A,B,C’s CD
New Car Seat
New Stroller
Cloth Diapers

Mom and Dad also made out pretty well…
Sweaters and clothes for both Joe and I! I got 19 pair of underwear! Water bottles, pizza cutter, basting brush, pastry brush, kitchen tongs, strainers… always in need of kitchen utensils. Cake Dr. Cook Book! external hard drive, SD card, flash drive, DVD’s, video games, beard trimmer, drying rack and CANDY!

Mostly we got things we needed but we received a few frivolous items… mostly entertainment for the stay-at-home-budget-conscious-parents!

But of course most importantly we had a wonderful Christmas spending time together relaxing and celebrating Jesus!

Soon I’ll post pictures from our Christmas!

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