Funky Monkey Snacks Review + Giveaway


Snack Time rolls around and I feel like we always eat the same things.


While all of those are healthy options for snack time it’s nice to occasionally switch things up and offer something fun.

So now our late morning snack break consisted of Legos and Funky Monkey Snacks.

The first time I tried to give Jude some Funky Monkey he refused. It looks weird and different. But I just left the bowl full of treats on the table while he played and when I came back into the room he was snacking away.

So now every day when Noah is napping and Jude gets to play with his Legos I set out a bowl of Funky Monkey Snacks for Jude to much on. So far his favorite flavors are JiveaLime and Bananamon.

What I love about Funky Monkey Snacks is that they are a healthy alternative to other fruit-based snacks. Because they are freeze dried they contain almost the same amount of flavor and nutrients as fresh fruit. Additionally, they contain NO high fructose corn syrup or additional colors, flavors or preservatives. They are especially ideal to pack for school lunches or snacks!

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One reader will receive a Funky Monkey Sampler pack. To enter use the Rafflecopter form below. Giveaway Ends 8/4/2012.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

I received the featured product in exchange for my honest opinion. The opinions expressed in this post are my own and not influenced by the company.

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