Why We Don’t Own a Microwave
It’s become a standard kitchen appliance in most American homes, the microwave.
Jessica is an experienced NC-based travel agent who specializes in family travel. She helps families plan memorable trips to Disney, Universal, All-Inclusive Resorts, Cruises, and International trips. She is responsible for B Honest Media’s editorial direction and growth. She has covered parenting for over 13 years, focusing on product reviews and recommendations, travel, and parenting tips.
Today my first born turns 4 years old! Dear Jude, I remember the day you were born. It was raining and I had been in labor for over 24 hours. It was a tough day but one of my proudest moments of my life. Little did I realize at the time how challenging parenting would…
It was pretty hot last week so I seized the opportunity to be an awesome mom and let Jude play in the sprinkler during Noah’s nap time. We set up the hopscotch sprinkler mat in the back yard but there was a big hole in it. So we moved to plan B. I tried to…
He stacked the cups all by himself. Pride. PinShare
I often dream of inheriting a lot of money or winning the lottery (It should be noted that I don’t have any rich relatives and I never buy lottery tickets so my chances of striking it rich are slim to none). I dream of all the responsible ways I would spend my money. Pay off…
Joe and I are really trying to be responsible with our money, the little that we have. So sometimes I think we need to cut back on certain thing that we previously said were important. Such as eating healthy foods, routine doctor visits, etc… Joe reminds me that by cutting those things out we risk…
On Friday we took all of the boys to the NC Zoo with some of the other families from our Classical Conversations homeschool group. The last time we went to the Zoo was when Jude was about 2 years old (We only had 1 child) so this trip was much different. Joe took the day…