On My Own

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When Jude was born Joe had just started a new job and was only able to take off 3 days from work. It was pretty hard being stuck at home alone especially since I was stuck in bed for several days due to health reasons. However, when the baby napped I could nap, shower or get something to eat so it wasn’t all that bad.

This time around Joe was able to take off 2 whole weeks. It’s been nice having him here because taking care of a newborn plus an active 3 year old keeps both of us busy all day. However, Joe goes back to work next week and to be honest I’m a little terrified of being on my own with 2 small children… ALL DAY, EVERY DAY. Jude is a handful to say the least and Noah is a typical newborn that wants to be held constantly.

Every day I find my self assessing each situation, trying to decide what my plan of attack will be when I’m alone….

Scenario 1
Feeding Noah.
Jude is helping himself to the contents of the fridge.
And I have to pee.
Which is the priority here?

Scenario 2

We decide to leave the house…
Noah is crying and has a dirty diaper.
Jude is being strong-willed, doesn’t want to leave and throwing himself on the ground in the middle of the parking lot.
I’m carrying Noah, diaper bag and bag from store.
What do I do?

They say being a mom is a full-time job but really I think it’s more like several full-time jobs being performed by one person.

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