Blogger of the Week: Krystal’s Kitsch

Today’s featured blogger is Krystal from Krystal’s Kitsch

How old is your blog or long have you been blogging? 
I’ve been blogging on & off for nearly a decade! I have been using Krystal’s Kitsch for a little over two years.

What made you choose the name of your blog? 
I like alliteration. I also like kitsch. It seemed to fit.

Why do you blog and what do you love about blogging? 
I like to share products and sales with whoever is listening. I also like to share the daily happenings of my life. It’s amazing being able to relate to so many different types of women all over the world. Blogging makes the world seem smaller, friendlier and very helpful.

What are a few of your favorite posts on your blog?
In chronological order:

Are you married? If so, how long? 
Not yet! Coming soon (2-19-11).

Do you have children? 
Not yet.

What is your favorite movie? 
I love ridiculously silly movies like The Hangover and The Wedding Crashers. I also have a soft spot for independent flicks or foreign movies.

Who is your favorite actor? 
Vince Vaughn, Emile Hirsch

What is your favorite band or musician? 
Sister Hazel

What is your favorite food? 

What is your favorite candy? 
Reese’s Cups

What else should readers know about you? 
I’m just a girl going through the motions of growing up—marriage, domesticity, shopping and family are on mind. 
The B Keeps Us Honest will feature a new Blogger of The Week each Saturday. If you would like to be featured please contact me.

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