Blogger of the Week: Mommy’s Diaper Dreams

Today’s Featured blogger is Cameron from Mommy’s Diaper Dreams

How old is your blog or long have you been blogging? I started blogging on March 15th, so my blog is less than 3 months old
What made you choose the name of your blog? Quite honestly, because I often have very vivid dreams and lately there have been a lot of them about diapers… disposables, cloth, diaper sales, coupons, samples, sizes… you name it and I have dreamt it. The other morning my husband asked me if I had a dream about diapers the previous night. “Yes I did… why are you asking?” and he says it is because he woke from his sleep to hear me say “diapers”. So, what’s wrong with that???
Why do you blog and what do you love about blogging? At first, I started my blog because I kept reading blogs and wanted to enter contests to win cloth diapers (of course). But it turned into more than that, I love following others blogs and reading about their experiences and I hope that there are at least some people that enjoy following my blog too ☺ 
What are a few of your favorite posts on your blog?
Are you married? If so, how long? Come this July, my amazing husband and I will be married for 3 years.
Do you have children? If so, how many? We have one charming, funny, and adorable son. He is 14 months old and absolutely the best thing that has ever happened to us.
What is your favorite movie? Serendipity
Who is your favorite actor? Dean Cain and Julia Roberts
What is your favorite band or musician? Rod Stewart, Daughtry and OneRepublic
What is your favorite food? Prime Rib
What is your favorite candy? 3 Musketeers
What else should readers know about you? I am 28 years old and love spending time with my family. I also love baking, craft-making and scrapbooking. I know that every moment I have with the ones I love is so special and I try to appreciate and cherish each one of those moments. Life can sometimes be cut way too short, so it’s best to try to make the most of every single minute.

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