Blogger of the Week: Traci66

My name is Traci and I am the host of the blog Traci66 . I have been blogging since March 2010 and love it. I have been married since I was 15, which is 28 years now. I have 4 children. Jamie is 27, Ashley is 25, Justin is 23 and Ozzy is almost 6. I have 4 beautiful grandbabies and 1 due in Nov. Alec is 6, Imani is 3, Faythe is 3 and Madelyn is 2 and for the new baby we are waiting to see.
I love to blog about reviews and giveaways, getting to give others neat stuff is fun. I also host a Thursday Giveaway Link Up. I co-host Keepin’ Company Thursday with my sister, Terra from Heck of a Bunch. Keepin’ Company Thursday is also a follow me blog hop. I love followers and finding new blogs to follow. I also like linking up for Wordful Wednesday so I can share my photos at ramble about them.
My favorite colors are purple and pink, which you can probably tell by my blog colors.
My all time favorite singer is Ozzy Osbourne. We even named little man after him.
My favorite food would be pizza. Everyone loves pizza right?!
I am also a self-employed full-time childcare provider, my childcare is called Cuddles N’ Hugs. I have been in this business for 20 years now and my hubby has been in childcare for 5 1/2 years. When Ozzy was 7 months old I needed to hire an assistant but Rod decided to quit his job as a factory worker and join me in the childcare world. He thought this would be easier than factory work and boy was he in for a shocker. The physical is easier but the stress is greater. We both love kids and actually enjoy what we do.
I hope you will come check out my blog at for some great things. I have several giveaways and I am always looking for new products to review and giveaway.
A few of my favorite post would probably be from my Wordful Wednesday’s as I love sharing photos.
I also like this post about Keepin’ Company Thursday. I hope it grows to be a great follow me blog hop.

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