Blogger of the Week: Mommys Online Garage Sale

Today’s featured blogger is Jen from Mommys Online Garage Sale

How old is your blog or long have you been blogging?  My blog is one year 223 days old.  I’ve been blogging for about 3 years now.

What made you choose the name of your blog?  It’s the name of a Group on CafeMom that was passed on to me to “head”

Why do you blog and what do you love about blogging?  I blog for several reasons, to help Mom’s sell their New, Used and Handmade Items.  I enjoy doing Product Reviews, I love the Challenge and the Friendships I have made in the blogging community.

What are a few of your favorite posts on your blog?

Are you married?  If so, how long? I’ve been married to my Best Friend for 10 yrs this coming June.

Do you have children?  If so, how many?  I have a Son who will be 8 in March and a Daughter who just turned 6 in December

What is your favorite movie?  Anything Disney or Pixar these days

Who is your favorite actor?  Jim Carry

What is your favorite band or musician? Metallica

What is your favorite food? Italian

What is your favorite candy? Snickers Bar

What else should readers know about you?  I love to crochet, garden and camp.  Helping others makes me a happy person!

If you have a “Selling Blog”, Etsy or Bonanzle Shop that you are invited to join and add your links to our members area.  Jen will in return feature their items/shops.

The B Keeps Us Honest will feature a new Blogger of The Week each Saturday. 
If you would like to be featured please contact me

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