Blogger of the Week: I Have A Coupon For That!

Today’s featured blogger is Jaime from I Have A Coupon For That!

How old is your blog or long have you been blogging?
I have been an occasional blogger since August 2009, and started daily blogging in January.
What do you blog about?
I blog about saving money, time and sanity. Sometimes I throw in some crafts, sometimes some fun family things. Whatever I feel like.
What made you choose the name of your blog?
My husband picked it. He said that I say that a hundred times when we go grocery shopping. I’m not afraid to yell it down the aisle either!
Why do you blog and what do you love about blogging?
I like letting others know about the good deals, or the cool new products!
What are a few of your favorite posts on your blog?
Are you married?  If so, how long?
Yes, I am married. We have been married for 2 ½ years
Do you have children?  If so, how many?
I have two boys. A 1 year old, Blue Eyes, and a 2 year old, Mr. Destructo.
What is your favorite food?
My favorite food… Burger King. I know that isn’t a “food” but I love their Whoppers, even though I don’t eat the hamburger patty. I know, it’s weird.
What is your favorite candy?
I LOVE Ferroro Rocher chocolates!
What else should readers know about you?
I love photography! I loved working in a studio before I had kids. My photos are being published in a children’s book and it should come out this summer!

The B Keeps Us Honest will feature a new Blogger of The Week each Saturday. If you would like to be featured please contact me.

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