
NC Blogger of the Week: Notes from a Mom in Chapel Hill #iheartnc

Todays’ NC Bloggers are Allison and her partner in crime, Sarah from Notes from a Mom in Chapel Hill (A Guide). Allison does a lot of the writing and the managing of content. Sarah is the designer, HTML expert, and Twitter-er (if that’s a word yet).  Tell readers more about yourself – I love to…

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Thirsties Duo Diaper Review + Giveaway – Sweetbottoms Baby Boutique #iheartnc

I know that in a few months Jude will be ready for potty training but until then we are embracing our use of cloth diapers. I love using cloth diapers and can’t imagine not using them. We’ve tried many different styles and brands of diapers and we have only begun to scratch the surface.  Recently…