Yo Gabba Gabba Live – There’s a Party in My City

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On Saturday we took a little road trip to Greensboro, NC to see Yo Gabba Gabba Live. We kept telling Jude we were going to see Yo Gabba Gabba but he had no idea what we meant. Greensboro is just a little over an hour’s drive so we went a little early to have lunch before the 2 pm show.

Waiting for the show to start.

This is a look of awe and amazement.


Jude was completely blown away. Joe and I spent more time watching him than the show. From the first beat to the last song he was completely captivated. The only time he lost interest and got cranky was during the intermission. I thought the intermission was a bit long and unnecessary but understand that the actors need to take a break. 

It was like watching a long episode of Yo Gabba Gabba. All the different sections were there from the Super Music Friend Show to Biz’s Beat of the Day. (All of the parents went wild when Biz Markie made his appearance.) There were flashing lights, bubbles, balloons and of course lots of dancing. I think my favorite part was watching Jude sing along with the songs. 

The rest of the day all he talked about was Yo Gabba Gabba. There is something so magical about a child seeing their favorite TV characters in real life. Honestly, I almost started crying at the show because I was so happy. 

I don’t want to tell you too much detail about the show because you should go see it for yourself but I will tell you it was awesome. (But be prepared to drop some serious cash not only for tickets but all of the merchandise.)

I was provided tickets to the featured event free of charge thanks to the Greensboro War Memorial Auditorium. The opinions expressed in this post are my own and not influenced by the company.

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