Diaper Addendum

I forgot to mention a few facts in my post yesterday about our cloth diaper experience. 1. We use disposable diapers a night. Primarily because I don’t have the mental capacity to change his cloth diaper in the middle of the night but also because I don’t like the idea of him sleeping 6 hours…

Diaper Doodie

I thought I should give a cloth diaper update since I spent so much time researching cloth diaper options prior to Jude’s birth. We have been using cloth since about 3 weeks after Jude was born. I ended up with a combination of prefolds and covers and a few all-in-one diapers. I thought I would…

Cloth Starts Now

Today is the day… we started using our cloth diaper. We naturally transitioned to cloth after we ran out of the disposables we were using. We are using basic prefolds and covers. My first diaper was a prefold set inside a cover with a liner over top. Now I’m trying a prefold pinned with a…