

I am a planner. Before I became a stay-at-home mom I had a job and it was basically all about planning stuff. I like making lists and spreadsheets and timelines and filling in calendars. It helps me stay sane. This past week I’ve been planning every single trip our family will take this year… all…



Abel is walking. He toddles all over the place and it’s absolutely adorable. I tried putting shoes on him the other day and he was so confused. Both of us prefer bare feet but it was cold out and he refuses to keep his socks on so I thought shoes might help. He didn’t take…


For the most part I enjoy homeschooling the boys. I’ve actually decided to keep all the boys home next year, no more preschool. I’m a little apprehensive about how I will divide my time teaching each boy but I know we’ll figure it out. The only thing I really miss since becoming a full-time homeschool…

Choosing a slow life

I’ve been thinking a lot about what I want for our family. Like most mothers I feel pressure to do all the things. Crafts, sports, hobbies, lessons, trips, events,… the list goes on. I know my children would love to participate in so many things but is it truly what they need. The thought of…