Cool Jude
Some one has a new facination with sunglasses. Luckily I found the sunglasses grandma gave him last summer.
Spring is upon us and as we’re starting our spring cleaning I’ve noticed I’m drawn to Green products for my home. Weather it’s for cleaning or just everyday items I love going green! I also love giving green gifts to my family and friends. Here are some great Green Gift Ideas: Organice for Kids,…
Wouldn’t it be great if you never had to by laundry detergent again? Well, may I suggest buying the Complete Laundry System. I still use a detergent for my cloth diapers and soiled clothes (ahem… messy toddler) but for everyday laundry needs I just throw in the Wonder Ball and I’m good to go. I…
Keeping a clean home is important to me but keeping it safe is more important. Even before I had Jude I was conscious of the products that entered my home. Obviously there are cleaners that strip away the dirt but what kind of nasty chemical residue are they leaving behind. Personally, I’d rather put forth…
Jude is quickly approaching the big 2 and everyday we discover things that need to be moved or changed in our home. I know soon we’ll soon be shopping for toddler beds so over the weekend we rearranged his room and removed items that may prove harmful or tempting. Next on our project list is…