
Sous-Chef Jude

Jude has become very interested in cooking and baking. A few months ago I let him help me make some brownies for my mom’s birthday and he’s been baking/cooking with me every since. He started with baking brownies, muffins, cupcakes, etc… but now he’s helping me with prepping dinner.  Most recently he discovered steaming broccoli….

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Support Postpartum Education – StrollerThon in Apex, NC

My name is Suzanne, and I author the blog pretty*swell. I’m so grateful for Jessica sharing her space today for a cause close to my heart. The StrollerThon, benefiting Postpartum Education and Support, is this Saturday in Apex, N.C. If you live nearby, it’s not too late to register! We’re also hosting an online raffle…

Swim Lessons

I’m so excited. I’m filling out the forms for Jude to start swim lessons at the YMCA next month. I love swimming and I love that Jude loves to swim. I’ve been wanting to get him in swim lessons for awhile but with all the transitions we’ve had this year there wasn’t a good time…….