Family Thanksgiving 2016

We spent Thanksgiving with some of my extended family this year. We played games, ate too much food and gave thanks for so many things. I took a lot of picture so of course I’m not in any of them. I really need to teach someone else how to use my camera.

Abel in suspenders!
Abel in suspenders!
My uncle carves the turkey.
My Uncle Zack carves the turkey.
Joe and my Uncle Keith talk Big Green Eggs.
Joe and my Uncle Keith talk Big Green Eggs.
My cousin and his beautiful fiance.
My cousin and his beautiful fiance.
Noah and Simon love my cousin Nikki.
Noah and Simon love my cousin Nikki.


Abel and Boogie playing
Abel and Boogie playing
My Cousin Alexa showing her Dad something on the internet.
My Cousin Alexa showing her Dad something on the internet.
Noah enjoys the acorn treats we made.
Noah enjoys the acorn treats we made.
The boys decorate turkey crafts.
The boys decorate turkey crafts.
Noah showing Grandma his colorful turkey.
Noah showing Grandma his colorful turkey.
Great Grandma Lois admires the turkey crafts.
Great Grandma Lois admires the turkey crafts.
Simon working hard on his turkey.
Simon working hard on his turkey.
Abel enjoys the orange icing.
Abel enjoys the orange icing.
Aunt Laney telling everyone a story.
Aunt Laney telling everyone a story.


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