Unplug and Get Outside with CLIF Kid


My kids are really into technology. It sucks them in and stimulates their little brains. I love technology, it’s an important part of our culture. Kids learn so much just with the touch of a screen. But it’s also important for kids to be active and engage in physical play. So every day we make sure to unplug from technology and just play.

“Play is the highest form of research.” – Albert Einstein

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We typically head outside, even if the weather isn’t ideal. When it’s cold outside we bundle up and play until our noses are pink. On rainy days, we don our rain gear and jump in the puddles. And on hot summer days, we find respite under the shade of trees. The changing nature of the outdoors makes it an incredibly stimulating and multi-sensory place to play. Children learn so much through play and being outside in nature. But no matter the weather or our destination we always pack a snack. Kids need to fuel those little bodies while they explore the world around them and learn through creative, physical playtime.

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We like to pack portable yet nutritious snacks like CLIF Kid Zbar®. CLIF Kid® makes nutritious snacks from organic ingredients that are specially-crafted for kids’ developing taste buds and active lives. I always grab a few CLIF Kid bars and some water bottles before we head out the door. Keeping a healthy snack on hand keeps everyone happy and usually extends our play time.

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CLIF Kid is dedicated to reclaiming play.  They encourage boys and girls everywhere to get back outside, push their boundaries, and feed their adventures. Hey moms, do you remember when you were a kid and spent hours playing outside?

CLIF Kid wants to remind you of how awesome it was being a kid….

Connect with CLIF Kid on Facebook and tell them your favorite way to play outside.

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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