Homeschool Room Tour


We finally set up a “homeschool room”. Well it’s really part homeschool, part playroom but the majority of the space is centered around learning. So we’ll call it our homeschool room.

The formal living room in our house is sort of unused space for us. Initially when we moved it it was a play room for the kids. Now that we’re homeschooling we need more work space so over the past week we reorganized the room to better suit our needs.

Our table is a hand-me down from my mom. We had a smaller round table but it wasn’t large enough for more than 1 person to work.

Photo Aug 01, 2 31 29 PMIn the corner of the room we have a small toy area that is currently overflowing with too many toys.

Photo Aug 01, 2 31 15 PMThe 6 cube shelf is from target as well is the 1,2,3 poster hanging above.

Photo Aug 01, 2 30 26 PMOn the other side of the room is our school area. The Ikea shelf in the center is flanked by Jude’s keyboard on the far side and a Target bookshelf on the other. All of our curriculum, supplies and books are stored in this area.

Photo Aug 01, 2 31 04 PMAbove Jude’s keyboard are our maps. A dry-erase map of the world from Target and a US map.

Photo Aug 01, 2 30 56 PM

Next to the white board I have some inspirational scripture. The top image is from Gracelaced and the bottom is part of the homeschool planner from Vintage Kids Modern World.

Photo Aug 01, 2 30 39 PM

The top shelf contains our everyday books plus some workbooks.

The next shelf down has our nature box, nature books and other books we use frequently.

Photo Aug 01, 2 30 41 PMThe middle shelf hold our math manipulative, stickers, lacing cards, flash cards, card games and other assorted supplies.

The next shelf is our watercolor/nature journal supplies and some tall books.

On the bottom I have a crate with our library books.

I’m still adding some pretty things here and there and hope to add some pictures with the updated look but for now it’s functional. Here is some more information about our 2016-2017 curriculum choices.


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