A Day Playing at the NC Zoo

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Photo Apr 02, 12 31 06 PM

A few months ago we purchased a Membership to the NC Zoo.

The NC Zoo is a big park and we knew we wouldn’t be able to see the entire park in 1 day especially with 4 small kids in tow so on our first trip we only explore the Africa section. This past weekend we went back to the Zoo for our follow-up trip to see the North America section.

It just so happened that we picked a special (and slightly busy) weekend to visit, Bear Necessity. The bears came out of hibernation and there were several fun bear-themed activities scattered around the North America section of the park.

polar bear nap

We got to see most of the animals with the exception of the wolves, they were hiding or sleeping. The boys loved the seals. Joe really loved the puffins and I think the otters were my favorite. The polar bears and usually pretty fun but we didn’t stop by their exhibit until midday (the hottest part of the day) so they were mostly lying around inside.

The boys really love the kids’ play areas like the Garden Friends Playground and Kidzone. In fact, Noah has requested to go back to the zoo for his birthday for the sole purpose of playing at the Kidzone.

We had a great day at the zoo and are looking forward to a few more trips this year.

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