Already Excited for the Upcoming School Year


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I don’t know about you but I’m excited for the next school year already. I mean we haven’t even finished the 2015-2016 school year and I’m making plans for 2016-2017. You see next year we aren’t doing preschool for the younger boys and I’m homeschooling the oldest 2 boys, Jude and Noah.

Noah starts kindergarten this upcoming year and we debated about weather or not to send him to the same small private school where Jude went for his kindergarten year or to homeschool and ultimately we decided it was the best decision for us to try homeschool for him. Noah does great in school, he’s a rule follower and thrives in the classroom whereas Jude always had trouble fitting into the format of a typical class setting. By homeschooling Noah we will save money and our schedule is less hectic but ultimately I think he will do wonderfully learning at home with his brothers.

I think I’m most excited about the upcoming school year because our schedule will be so much more flexible than it is now. One of my favorite aspects of homeschool is the flexibility it offers. We can do our school work just about anywhere and at anytime of the day. We can make last minute plans to take field trips or do fun projects or just skip a whole day. I’m able to do some of that now with Jude but we’re restricted by the boys’ preschool schedule.

One of my homeschool mantras is to keep things simple. It’s sooooo easy to get caught up in all of the options for homeschool curriculum, activities, groups, etc… I really want to keep things simple so my boys have time to explore the world on their own. As I sit down to select curriculum and schedule our upcoming school year I’m constantly reminding myself to keep it simple. Spend more time outside. Spend more time exploring together. Spend more time conversing. Spend more time together.

Photo Apr 04, 2 50 48 PM

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