Durant Nature Park #liebsummer

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We kicked off the first real week of summer break with a trip to the Durant Nature Park. They just opened a new Sensory and Natural Play Garden that I thought the boys would love. I’ve never been to Durant Nature Park so I wasn’t really sure what to expect but it was a great space for the kids to run around and explore. We will most certainly be visiting again this summer. We started off walking down to the restrooms near the lake and playground. The boys made friends and played on the traditional playground equipment before we headed back up toward the parking lot to find the new Sensory Garden.

durant playground

The Sensory and Natural Play Garden just opened early this month so a lot of the plants and garden areas are roped off to protect the young plants. However, there was plenty of space and special areas for the kids to explore.

Durant Sensory and Natural Play Garden
Photo May 27, 10 33 41 AM

They played in the natural teepee, built fairy houses, looked for rolly polly bugs, built sandcastles, climbed rocks, and played in the rock garden.

Durant Nature Park

We spent more time at the natural play garden than at the traditional playground. They also got very sweaty and dirty but we packed plenty of water.

Photo May 27, 10 34 07 AM

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