And We’re Back

The past few months have been all sorts of busy. I think we’ve finally hit our groove with our homeschool schedule which is awesome because Jude it totally owning his work this year. I can’t believe that one year ago today is when we made the decision to homeschool Jude. I’m more confident than ever that it was the best decision for Jude. He’s thriving and our family is better because of it.

I haven’t been blogging as much lately because of course life gets busy but mainly because my computer has been held hostage by a cute little baby. You see, up until 2 days ago my master bedroom served multiple purposes. This worked great until Abel started to be a light sleeper, then my master bedroom basically became Abel’s room which Joe and I sometimes got to visit. So a few days ago we starting making the big transition. Simon moved in with Jude and Noah.

Photo Oct 17, 9 53 27 AM

And now Abel has his own room upstairs.

Screen Shot 2015-10-17 at 9.58.05 AM

So far it’s working out fairly well. We’re still trying to figure out bedtime with 3 boys in one room but ultimately having my bedroom (and computer) back are worth the extra effort.

I’m still working on organizing and redecorating the boys’ rooms and I will eventually post some “after” photos.

But in the meantime I’m excited to get a little more time to sit down at the computer to write.

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