The Girl Who Cried Wolf and Ended Up With a UTI

When I was younger my family always had a few hours each weekend where we all pitched in and chores around the house. I loathed doing my chores which included dishes, dusting, cleaning the bathroom and more. So to avoid doing them I would have to “use the bathroom” and spent a good deal of time taking care of business. However, my parents caught on to my many frequent and unusually long bathroom trips and forbid me to use the bathroom until all of my chores were complete. This was particularly awkward when I actually had to use the bathroom. But I guess it’s like the boy who cried wolf, he ended up with a Urinary Tract Infection.

In the Cartoon Network’s Childrens Hospital Dr. Lola Spratt faked her own death after she became fed up from receiving too many emails at Children’s Hospital. I guess my bathroom trips weren’t as dramatic as I thought. What are some funny tactics you use to escape everyday life and relax?

Tune-in for “Childrens Hospital” on the Cartoon Network.

I have been hired by Warner Bros. WBWord division to promote Childrens Hospital Season 1&2 on DVD. You can purchase a copy here: AMAZON .

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