Pregnant Thoughts on Waiting – 39 Weeks


Measuring 39 Weeks

Yesterday marked 39 weeks of carrying around baby boy number 4. Over the past several weeks I’ve watched as friends, some of whom had due dates after mine, welcome into the world their new bundles of joy. As an “experienced” mom I know that due dates are just estimates and the baby will come out whenever he wants but I can’t deny that I’m anxious to hold this sweet little boy in my arms instead of my womb. All 3 of my boys were at least a week past their “due date” so I’m expecting this guy will also be late… I guess that’s partially why I’m OK with still being pregnant.

I’m excited to meet this sweet babe but I’m also excited to NOT be pregnant. It’s uncomfortable. Sitting hurts, standing hurts, sleeping hurts, eating hurts… I’m certainly ready for this baby to be outside of my body. Despite all the discomfort, I am desperately trying to soak up these last few days with my 3 big boys. Things are going to change in the Lieb house (for the better) but of course there will be a transition period and who knows how well the brothers will fare.

I’m expecting Jude will be the least phased by the addition of yet another brother. However, I wonder about how Noah and Simon will handle someone else vying for my attention. Because Noah was so young (16 mo) when Simon was born he doesn’t really know much beyond life with little brother Simon. Noah is a “typical” middle child and is always looking for my attention and affection. Simon is most certainly the baby and is easily jealous and protective of his mama. So a new baby is certain to throw a wrench into their normal lives. But they will adjust.

So while I’m excited to meet baby boy 4 I know the days of our current family life are short. I have no doubts that life with 4 boys will be new and exciting and challenging and filled with great joy but for the next few days I’m going to soak up every minute of life with just 3.

3 Boys

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