Preparing a Child with SPD for Transition

SPD Transitions

Today Jude will transition to a new class at school. His teacher is leaving and they are combining the 2 kindergarten classes (it’s a small private school so the combined class will only be 13 kids). Because Jude has SPD, transitions can be difficult so over the past few days we’ve been trying to prepare him for the big change that is coming.

Here are a few of the ways we’ve been helping him prepare for the big change at school:

1. Talk about it, often. Every time we talk about school, friends at school, or anything related we mention the upcoming change. We are very specific about what all will occur and when it will occur. Keeping him informed is key, it allows him time to digest what will happen rather than springing a surprise on him.

2. Stay positive. We try to emphasis the positive things about the change. He’s getting a fun new teacher. He will have more friends in his class. Etc… I also try to make sure I have a positive attitude about it because it will help him remain calm and assured.

3. Count down. Each day that passes we note how many more days we have until the big change. Again we remain very positive and make it an exciting transition that he will look forward to.

4. Keep other changes to a minimum. Don’t make any other big life changes for awhile. I’m glad we decided to put the boys together in a room several weeks ago because I wouldn’t dare spring that much change on him this week. I hope to keep the rest of our daily schedule pretty straightforward this week, if possible, to prevent transition overload.

5. Expect some resistance to change and be ready to offer support. I know Jude may have some difficulties transitioning so I’m preparing myself now so that I can react appropriately by giving him the reassurance and support he needs to integrate smoothly into his new environment.

To be honest I think the transition might be harder on me than him. Over the past few months Jude’s teacher has been such a huge blessing to us and has helped us tremendously deal with Jude’s SPD. She keeps us well informed and has encouraged us to seek occupational therapy and other treatments that have proven to be of great help. I am so thankful that she has taken the time to help not only Jude but us to make his first year of school a success. We know his new teacher will be wonderful but it’s sad to lose such a wonderful teacher.

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