Whole30 – Day 30

The final day of our Whole30 Challenge.

Whew what a day. It all started with a squirrel falling down our chimney. Joe worked from home. A guy came to remove the squirrel. He couldn’t get him out. Now there is a rope coming out of the top of our chimney. Not sure if the squirrel is still in there.

Chimney Squirrel

Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs and Bacon

Eggs and Bacon

Lunch: Sweet Potato Slices, Leftover Fajitas and Guacamole


Jude has Rookie Sports at the local YMCA on Wednesday afternoons so I always try to make something in the slow cooker so we can eat as soon as we get home. I made Paleo Bean-less Chili, which was perfect for the stormy and VERY windy evening.Photo Jan 30, 4 52 05 PM


Dinner: Chili topped with Avocado

Paleo Bean-less Chili

Snacks: Trail Mix, Apple and Almond Butter and a Smoothie

I’ve been asked if we will continue eating paleo after our Whole30 ended. To some extend yes, we will be drastically cutting back on the amount of sugar, grains and processed foods we eat. We won’t be going totally paleo but rather just clean eating. I’m hoping to do another Whole30 mid-summer, maybe after the boys’ birthdays.

Overall, I really enjoyed our Whole30 experience, I can’t say the same for Joe. I, however, lost 15lbs and regained my energy. The biggest thing I wanted to take away from the Whole30 was to reset my body so that I no longer craved processed foods or sugars and I think that I am fairly pleased with the outcome.


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