Whole30 – Day 20

Sundays are family day for us. We relax, go to church and enjoy spending time together.

Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs and Bacon

Bacon and Eggs

After breakfast I put our dinner in the slow cooker and then we took a family trip to Target. I love running errands with my family.

Cooking Beef

Lunch: Turkey Rolls (with tomato, roasted red pepper and lettuce)

Turkey Roll Ups

After lunch the littles took naps and Joe and Jude played Lego Star Wars on the Wii.  I worked on the blog and cleaned a bit. It was pretty much an awesome and relaxing afternoon. Then we went to evening church, we just recently started going to the evening service at church instead of the morning and I really like it. We are always pretty slow moving in the morning so this gives us the opportunity to take our time getting ready and enjoy the day.

Dinner: Coffee Braised Beef, Peas and Sweet Potato Coins

Coffee Braised Beef

We ate dinner pretty late because we decided to feed the boys and put them to bed before we ate dinner. Then we watch Downton Abbey and went to bed. It was pretty much a perfect Sunday!

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