Whole30 – Day 10

Another fairly normal day for the Lieb family. Jude went to preschool, Joe went to work and I stayed home with the littles all day.

I have always enjoyed cooking but have recently found it a challenge with 3 little kids but I’m learning that like everything else I do with 3 littles it just takes a little extra planning. In addition to my paleo weekly meal plan, I’m learning to prep my meals. When one or more kids is asleep or at school I take the opportunity to cut veggies, prep meat or gather my supplies for an upcoming meal. It only takes a few minutes when there are less distractions whereas if all the boys are underfoot it takes much longer.

Breakfast doesn’t usually take long to make and since Joe is home I have an extra pair of hand to wrangle the kids. I try to prep lunch while Jude is at school and the boys are napping and sometimes even get to prep dinner. If I don’t get dinner prepped earlier in the day I do it during Noah’s 2nd nap since he is usually the biggest “helper”.

Breakfast: Canadian Bacon and Fried Egg

Eggs and Canadian Bacon

Joe made the Canadian Bacon!

Lunch: Left over Curry Chicken with avocado and a small side of pineapple to curb my sweets cravings.

Curry Chicken

Dinner: Bean-less Chili topped with avocado

Bean-less Chili

Snacks: I’ve been come extra snacky in the evenings the past few nights. In addition to my regular hot tea I’ve had either some nuts or fruit. I’m trying to cut back on the snacking, even if it is healthier options.

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