Keeping a Busy Child… Busy.


busy child

Jude is a very smart little boy. He often gets into trouble because he is bored.

Being 31 weeks pregnant and chasing after a very busy 14 month old I find myself struggling to meet his ever growing desire to learn. In about a week he will start preschool and I’m really hoping that school will help exhaust some of his business.

But in the meantime here are a few ways that I keep my busy child busy:

1. Initiate Creative Play – We try to set aside a little time each day for creative play. Jude is a very creative kid but he needs guidance when it comes to creative play. I try to set aside a few moments where I can set up and direct his attention to a new, creative task and then let him play freely. This helps keep his little brain moving and his little hands busy.

2. Plan New Projects – Thanks to Pinterest you don’t have to be creative to plan new projects for kids. I created a “kid stuff” board on Pinterest where I repin any project that might be interesting to Jude. I try to pick at least 1 new project to do each week, most of which are simple and require very few supplies. (PS – You should totally be following me on Pinterest!)

3. Keep Creative Supplies On Hand – I like to stock up on workbooks, school supplies and other craft supplies when they are on sale so we always have something new hiding away for a rainy day. We have a collection of coloring books and workbooks, all easily accessible so when Jude wants to play with them he can help himself.

4. Invest in Special Toys – Jude is really into Legos right now. He is only allowed to play with his Legos when Noah is taking a nap (because there are too many small pieces) So Jude always asks to play with his Legos during nap time which makes them all that more special. Legos are a great, creative way for him to explore.

5. Go and Do – As much as kids like routine they also long to explore so be intentional about leaving your house and exploring new places. We like to visit a new park once a month. By visiting new places we get to explore our city and potentially find new favorite places.

So, when you get frustrated because your toddler or preschooler is constantly getting into trouble remember that they are just curious. Giving them new projects or places to explore will help keep them busy and help them sleep better at night too!

How do you keep your busy child occupied?

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