Midwife 1: Wow, 9lb and 11lb babies! We’ll definitely be inducing you around 39 weeks.
Midwife 2: Wow, 9lb and 11lb babies! We might want to induce you early but we’ll wait-and-see how thing are progressing when we get closer to your due date.
Changing my Perspective After my first visit to the new OB office I wasn’t completely sold on this whole hospital birth thing. However, Joe and I made a decision after delivering 2 large babies(9+lbs and 11lbs), both with shoulder dystocia, that a hospital birth for baby 3 is the wisest decision. So at this point it’s not a matter of weather or not we’ll go through with a hospital birth but how I will be able to change my expectations.
To be honest I’ve gone into each appointment with a defensive attitude. I feel like the doctors and midwives are going to be judgmental of my previous home births (they aren’t) and pressure me into doing something I’m not comfortable doing (so far they haven’t). During my first visit there was talk of inducing me early because I have large babies but my last visit the midwife was very, let’s-wait-and-see, which I appreciated.
In a few weeks we have another check-up and our main ultrasound. I’m actually looking forward to this appointment because Joe will be joining me. I think the more familiar we become with the staff and the whole hospital birth process the more we’ll be able to get comfortable with the transition to a hospital birth. I don’t have anything against hospital births it’s just a completely different experience for me and the unknown can be scary no matter what.
I believe a lot of labor and delivery starts in your head, feeling confident and comfortable are key to letting go and letting your body take over. I also believe that I should take my pregnancy journey to prepare not only physically for labor but also mentally. I really don’t want the place or people attending my birth to be a hang-up. So I’m praying for peace and reminding myself that we are doing what’s best for this baby.
Jessica is an experienced NC-based travel agent who specializes in family travel. She helps families plan memorable trips to Disney, Universal, All-Inclusive Resorts, Cruises, and International trips. She is responsible for B Honest Media’s editorial direction and growth. She has covered parenting for over 13 years, focusing on product reviews and recommendations, travel, and parenting tips.
I’ll be honest. I really don’t like taking pictures of myself much less pictures of myself pregnant. But I know in 5 or 10 years I’ll want to look back at my big round belly and tell my kids, “That’s you!” So here is my first pregnant belly picture for baby 3. I’m not one…
Baby 2 was due last week. Today the midwife said things look great and it could happen any day now…. or it could be another week. You know since due dates are pretty much guesses anyway. So until then we are going to employ the 3 HOT ways to induce labor rules that my midwife…
My name is Suzanne, and I author the blog pretty*swell. I’m so grateful for Jessica sharing her space today for a cause close to my heart. The StrollerThon, benefiting Postpartum Education and Support, is this Saturday in Apex, N.C. If you live nearby, it’s not too late to register! We’re also hosting an online raffle…
I had an inclination that having a baby would force me to be more social, however I didn’t expect it to start before he/she even arrived. It seems almost every day someone comments on my growing belly and impending arrival. The conversations usually go something like this… Stranger: Oh, when are you due? Me: June…
I’m sitting here filling out my pre-registration forms for the hospital, it so weird The other night we took a tour of the hospital where baby 3 will be born. As many of you know, I’m a little nervous about our first hospital birth. I feel like it’s my 1st birth all over again, there…
It feels like I’ve been pregnant forever and yet at the same time this pregnancy has flown by. 10 – 12 more weeks until we meet baby 4. At my last OB appointment he was measuring 31 weeks which really isn’t a surprise since I tend to have big babies. However, I’d prefer to NOT…