How to Use Pinterest to Increase Traffic to Your Site

Pinterest is a great tool that can help drive traffic to your site, if used correctly.
Now, I’m no Pinterest expert but here’s what I’ve learned from using Pinterest.

8 Tips for Using Pinterest to Increase Traffic to Your Site
1. Follow Others – A lot of people will follow you back if you follow them. But especially follow brands/bloggers/people that inspire you or you like working with. (This leads into tip 2)

2. Repin – If you repin content from other pinners that gives you more content in your Boards it makes them more appealing for people to follow. If you repin good content people will look to you for inspiration.

3. Organize your Boards – This is something I’m not great at doing but people will sometimes search for specific subjects in boards and if you have a well organized board with a good number of pins people will follow you (or at least your board).

4. Pin Original Content – Repinning is great but also pinning your own original content from your site or blog is not only a great way to generate more followers but also generates more traffic to your site.

5. Pin Content In Addition To Pictures – You don’t have to just pin pretty things. While Pinterest is very visual where crafts, recipes and beautiful imagery thrive you can pin a simple image with a text title that explains the linked content. (ie. A blog post about a newly nursing mother’s challenges with an image of a nursing mom – note: a nursing mom is pretty so maybe that doesn’t count! Haha)

6. Broaden Your Boards – This means create boards that are applicable to any area that might interest your readers. If you write about babies then you might want to create separate boards for different areas of interest that surround babies. (Go beyond fashion, photo poses, nursery decor, and into birthday party ideas, learning tools, outdoor projects, etc…)

7. Utilize descriptions – The text you put in the description box when you pin or repin is used as keyword search text. So if you pin a picture of a maternity dress don’t just say, “so pretty, I’d love to own this.” say, “Beautiful Maternity Dress. I love it.” That way you can still get the personal comment but you’re optimizing your text for searches.

8. Share in Facebook or Twitter – Utilize the “Share on Facebook” or “Share on Twitter” buttons when you pin. But don’t over share because that’s annoying. Share what you think your various readers will find interesting. (I find I have different types of readers on Twitter than Facebook so I try to be discerning when I share.)

Over all I’d say give and it comes back to you. If you follow, engage and help promote others the favor will be returned to you (at some point). 

Please also be aware of Pinterest’s Terms of Services. I don’t want anyone getting in trouble.

BTW, Follow me on Pinterest – Jessica Lieb

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