PEEK In My Purse

We all have voyeuristic tendencies. Do you snoop in people’s cabinets or peer in windows? I know I do occasional. It’s just fascinating to see what people are really like when no one is watching. (I mean that’s why reality TV is so successful, we are nosy people.)

So to satiate your need to pry here is a look into my life. 

These are the contents of my purse on a regular day. (nothing added and only a few old receipts and gum wrappers thrown away)

From L to R
1. Black Men’s Velcro Wallet from Walmart – complete with flannel interior
2. 2 – thin maxi pads for post partum bleeding (TMI)
3. 2 – Chick-fil-a toddler books
3. 3 different Burt’s Bees Chap stick/Lip Gloss
4. Crystal Light Pure Water Flavor – Grape
5. MAM Paci
6. My Extra Personalized Gum (featuring Jude)
7. 1 piece of Spry Sugar Free Gum
8. Toddler Size Storm Trooper Action Figure
9. My ancient cell-phone (not even close to being smart)
10. Cross Bookmark from Ten Thousand Villages
11. Head Band

12. Gussy Bag filled with coupons/gift cards (other various coupons/gift cards underneath)

Each week there will be a different PEEK theme. I’d love for everyone to join in the fun.
Write a blog post and link up below. 
Leave a comment on one/all of the posts listed.
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Next Week’s Theme: PEEK at MY PLAYLIST

What’s in your purse?

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