We all have voyeuristic tendencies. Do you snoop in people’s cabinets or peer in windows? I know I do occasional. It’s just fascinating to see what people are really like when no one is watching. (I mean that’s why reality TV is so successful, we are nosy people.)
So to satiate your need to pry here is a look into my life.
These are the contents of my purse on a regular day. (nothing added and only a few old receipts and gum wrappers thrown away)
From L to R
1. Black Men’s Velcro Wallet from Walmart – complete with flannel interior
2. 2 – thin maxi pads for post partum bleeding (TMI)
3. 2 – Chick-fil-a toddler books
3. 3 different Burt’s Bees Chap stick/Lip Gloss
4. Crystal Light Pure Water Flavor – Grape
5. MAM Paci
6. My Extra Personalized Gum (featuring Jude)
7. 1 piece of Spry Sugar Free Gum
8. Toddler Size Storm Trooper Action Figure
9. My ancient cell-phone (not even close to being smart)
10. Cross Bookmark from Ten Thousand Villages
11. Head Band
12. Gussy Bag filled with coupons/gift cards (other various coupons/gift cards underneath)
PARTICIPATE Each week there will be a different PEEK theme. I’d love for everyone to join in the fun. Write a blog post and link up below. Leave a comment on one/all of the posts listed. Add the PEEK button to your post (coding located to the right)
Jessica is an experienced NC-based travel agent who specializes in family travel. She helps families plan memorable trips to Disney, Universal, All-Inclusive Resorts, Cruises, and International trips. She is responsible for B Honest Media’s editorial direction and growth. She has covered parenting for over 13 years, focusing on product reviews and recommendations, travel, and parenting tips.
Jude lost his first tooth on Sunday afternoon. A few days prior he was trying to pry two pieces of Legos apart with his teeth, despite us repeatedly warning him to NOT put Lego pieces in his mouth. When suddenly his bottom tooth got wiggly. He ran to me very concerned that maybe he had…
There are a lot of things we need to upgrade but when you’re on a budget safety precedes want. For instance, Joe could really use a new computer since the desktop he’s using is probably 10 years old, which is ancient in computer years. And I’d be lying if I didn’t daily dream of upgrading…
What’s Cooking at DD? has tagged me in a blogging chain that involves me sharing 7 things about myself that you may not already know. 1. My husband was the first and only person I’ve ever kissed. (I was 25) 2. I hate coconut.. it’s a texture thing… and a taste thing. 3. I saw…
On Monday I wrote about how my husband totally rocked Mother’s Day weekend. After I posted it I started to feel a little guilty about it. Why? Because I felt it might make other mothers who didn’t have a great Mother’s Day feel bad. It’s silly really because first of all I shouldn’t care what…
I just read Mannly Mama’s post today about being a Millennial and this quote got me thinking, “Work ethic isn’t a generation thing. It’s a parenting thing to some degree and an internal drive.”. Millennials are accused of being a lazy, whiny, self-centered generation. I’m a Millennial but I’m none of those things, except…
The most recent issue of Mothering Magazine has a few articles about co-sleeping that I’ve recently been reading. And up until now I never really understood what Co-Sleeping was all about. Apparently, there is a difference between Co-sleeping and Bedsharing. Co-sleeping: sleeping in the same room, in close proximity to one’s child, but not necessarily…