Ritz Crackerfuls

Being 9 months pregnant and huge, I’m pretty much hungry all the time. I find that I am always search for a snack and try to keep something with me wherever I go. Snacks that I can grab as I’m running out the door and are somewhat healthy are a must, that is why I like Ritz Crackerfuls.

The new Ritz Crackerfuls Multigrain have 6 grams of whole grains per serving and are individually wrapped sandwiches convenient for on-the-go. They are available in 3 great flavors:

  • Multi Grain Sharp Cheddar
  • Multi Grain Garden Vegetable
  • Multi Grain Garlic Herb

While I like to think they are “my” afternoon snack they usually end up in the hands of bottomless pit 2 year old little boy.

What is your favorite afternoon pick-me-up snack? 
Connect: Like Ritz Crackerfuls on Facebook for information on coupons, promotions and contests.

I received the featured product in exchange for my honest opinion from the One2One Network. The opinions expressed in this post are my own and not influenced by the company.

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