5 Reasons Why No One is Entering Your Giveaways

1. No One Knows About It

Outside of my regular followers, I get most of my blog traffic from Twitter. When I first started using twitter I only tweeted about my giveaways, which yielded fair results. But recently, I’ve been learning that although it may seem daunting, interacting with others on Twitter is much more effective. I also link up my giveaways on any giveaway linky I can find and post on my Facebook Fan Page. Get the word out there and slowly they will come.

2. Your Giveaway Sucks
I’ll be frank, no one wants to enter your giveaway for hemorrhoid cream or the tacky $5 purse you got in the clearance bin. Give readers a reason to enter. I started this blog with a simple Target GC giveaway; you can’t go wrong with Target. Also, you don’t have to take every offer a company sends you to review and giveaway their product. I always ask myself, “Would I take the time to enter my own giveaways?”

3. The 3 Step Entry with 100 Rules
No one wants to write an essay to enter a blog giveaway, unless you are giving away a car or something else awesome. Make your giveaway entry options easy and clear. Nothing bothers me more than seeing a “giveaway” with no clear explanation as how to enter or a 3 step mandatory entry.

4. There is No Incentive
Let’s say you have a decent product, a well-organize giveaway and you are working hard to promote it but entries are still low. Up the incentive. Give people more ways to enter, like bonus entries. Link several giveaways together so if a reader enters one giveaway they get additional entries in another. Work with other bloggers on a special giveaway event. Get creative. Just remember to keep it simple and clear.

5. Your Blog Design is Hideous
I hate to admit it but I’m much more prone to enter a giveaway on a well-designed blog than a poorly-designed one. Even if it’s for the exact same product. Design doesn’t have to be anything fancy but putting a little time and maybe even money into your design can pay off big time. Companies understand this when they design the packaging for their products. No one wants the oatmeal in the ugly,beat-up package, even if it’s perfectly good oatmeal.

Disclaimer: I am by no means an expert on blog giveaways. I have had my fair share of giveaways that bomb. 

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