The count down has begun until baby 2 arrives. With the start of the new year will come the start of an awesome new blog event that will last for several months. The 2B Mom event will feature products for any expecting mother. So if you are expecting, a new mom or have any upcoming baby showers to attend you will want to participate in the 2B Mom Event.
Get a head start on entries by adding the 2B Mom event button to you blog. After you add the button to your blog come back and leave a comment letting me know where I can find it. If you add the button before January 1, 2011 you will earn 3 additional entries into any and all 2B Mom giveaways. You can find the code for the 2B Mom button in the right-hand column.
Mandatory entry for each giveaway required plus 3 additional comments on each post denoting you add the button before 1.1.11.
Jessica is an experienced NC-based travel agent who specializes in family travel. She helps families plan memorable trips to Disney, Universal, All-Inclusive Resorts, Cruises, and International trips. She is responsible for B Honest Media’s editorial direction and growth. She has covered parenting for over 13 years, focusing on product reviews and recommendations, travel, and parenting tips.
**This post may contain affiliate links. I receive a small amount of compensation when you purchase from my links, which I”ll totally blow on dark chocolate. ** Just because you’re having a baby doesn’t mean you have to spend hundreds of dollars on baby gear. There are a lot of really great high-quality baby items…
New LUVS with Nightlock (coming September 16th!) offers the most absorbency area ever. They offer ultimate overnight protection and lock away wetness better than Huggies Snug & Dry* I used these on Simon and he stayed dry and comfortable all night, with no leaks. I let him crawl around in a bit before bedtime so…
We find out this week if baby 3 will be a boy or a girl. (Be sure to guess what we’re having on our Baby Poll right over there –>) Since we already have 2 boys it would be nice to have a girl but we are kind of assuming it’s going to be another…
Each night I stand beside the crib holding a sleepy boy in my arms. As his head rests on my shoulder I sway to the lull of his slow steady breathing. I know these moments will soon pass away as he grows into a busy little boy He will probably be my last baby and…
I forgot to mention a few facts in my post yesterday about our cloth diaper experience. 1. We use disposable diapers a night. Primarily because I don’t have the mental capacity to change his cloth diaper in the middle of the night but also because I don’t like the idea of him sleeping 6 hours…
So just recently when Jude had a major blow out I grabbed one of our cheap cloth diapers and used it too clean things up. After the majority of the poo was cleaned up it only took one wipe to finish it off. Typically a big poo would take at least 5 wipes to clean…