Shout Go Play Review

This past weekend after we took Jude to see Yo Gabba Gabba live we visited some friends in Greensboro. All the kids were running around having a blast when Jude ran right into the corner of the kitchen table and busted his eye. Cuts around the eye always bleed A LOT. Joe swooped in and help calm Jude as we rushed around to find all the appropriate first aid materials. Jude was OK with just a minor cut above his eye. While Jude didn’t get any blood on his clothes Joe’s new shirt had several big spots of blood. While I wasn’t too concerned with his shirt at the time when we got home I immediately treated his shirt with Shout Advance.

I sprayed a bit of the gel on the spots, rubbed it in and let the Shout Advance set overnight then did a regular load of laundry the next morning. When I pulled Joe’s shirt out of the wash I couldn’t see a single spot of blood or discoloration. I was very pleased with the results since blood is typically known to be rather hard to clean out of clothes.

Growing Tree Toys, online retailer for learning toys, and Shout have teamed up to promote the Go Play Initiative. Shout understands that outdoor play is important for kids to remain healthy but can be messy. While I hope our kids don’t get hurt while playing it is nice to know that Shout makes products that will stand up to just about anything kids can throw at it. Kids will be kids and they should play hard. If your kids have a hard time thinking up fun things to do outdoors you can check on the 52 Nature Activities card set. There are a lot of creative and fun ideas to help kids of all ages explore the outdoors.

I received the featured product free of charge courtesy of Shout and Growing Tree Toys. The opinions expressed in this post are my own and not influenced by the company. 

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